30 November 2016

Letter to the London Borough of Redbridge

I wrote the following letter today and will post it on Thursday. I felt much better after typing it and trust that Ms Strutt has a sense of humour. With her job title she will need one!

Sharon Strutt
Strategic Head of Delivery
Directorate of Place
London Borough of Redbridge
Lynton House
255 – 259 High Road
Essex IG1 1NY

Dear Ms Strutt,

Many thanks for two letters received in the post today at thisbeen my home since 1962 – and very happy I am to live here, for Aldborough Hatch is a pleasant place and often referred to as the ‘Village in the Suburbs” (which so happens to be the sub-title of my published book Aldborough Hatch – The Village in  the Suburbs – A History, which, sadly, is now out of print but I did send half-a-dozen copies to the Chief Librarian so you may be able to borrow a copy if you belong to the Ilford Central Library. I sent them free of charge because the Librarian claimed they had no money to buy books anymore, which seemed to me to be a pity for a library without new books – and well-written ones like mine – is not much of a library . . . but I digress, for which I apologise!).

The two letters regarding the Conservation Forum on 6th December were correctly addressed to this house but there were problems with the names of the addressees.

My name is Ron Jeffries – not Jefferies. You will note that I have italicised and made bold the central ‘e’ for this is incorrect. I pay my Council Tax as Jeffries, so please be the kindly lady that I am sure you are and have this corrected for it jars my senses and upsets Socks, my cat, who is the only other resident – or was when I last checked.

You see my three children have fled the nest and my dear wife now resides in heaven – I have the latter on the good authority of the many Vicars I have seen off here at St. Peter’s Church, where I joined the choir in 1944 at the age of eleven (which will help you, with the aid of a calculator, to work out my age, if you are so minded, of course, and you may well be too busy delivering so I will not be in the least offended if you do not wish do so – and you would be the loser).

The second letter gave the addressee as Mr Blake. Now I would want you to know that we (Socks and me that is) have no Mr Blake living here. Honest! We have checked. In fact, my extensive research – going back in history to the time in the 1930s when these houses were built – reveals that no Mr Blake has ever lived here. Not ever! Never!

In the past – on more occasions than I remember – I have advised the Planning Department at the Town Hall that Mr Blake does not live here – all to no avail. I would hazard a guess that they were far too busy granting retrospective planning applications for beds-in-sheds and garages-without-doors-big-enough-to-allow-a-car-to-enter-but-large-enough-to-house-a-family-of-six-two-cats-and-a-parrot-together-with-Grandma-when-she-comes-to-stay.

Be that as it may, for you are not in that Department (and probably very grateful for that, I will bet!) and cannot be held responsible for the misdemeanours of others, but are ensconced down the road at Sunny Lynton House (opposite the site of the old Ilford Palais where the lads about town used to strut their stuff, but not me I would have you know. My Mum would not allow me to go out at nights until I was of voting age!).

And being the Strategic Head of Delivery in the Directorate of Place, you will know how to rectify this gross error (and I must add that your job title arouses such admiration that I have come all over with a quiver! Do you have a van or are all your deliveries on foot? If the former, I trust it is road-worthy. If the latter, I suggest you hold a sit-in outside the CEO’s office till they give you suitable transport for we cannot have you lugging packages all around the town! No way, Hosea!).

Thank you for staying with me till the end of this missive. Have a coffee, a cup of Earl Grey or a bowl of hot, nourishing soup (I recommend Green Pea and Mint from Aldi, although Mr Sainsbury does a delicious range but they are far too costly for an old pensioner like me!). Take care and have a good day. And whatever you do, don’t let them get you down, for they will try!

Yours sincerely

Ron Jeffries

PS: Socks sends his regards. He is out moussing at present. We hope you like the card of Fairlop Waters.