Yesterday I learned about the range of butterflies in the British Isles and discovered that Derby has a Silk Mill. I also improved my knowledge of the main attractions offered to those who visit Portugal, the Channel Islands, Whitley Bay and the Costa del Azahar (wherever that is!). And all whilst stood standing at the ironing board in my kitchen. For these facts were displayed in full - and often vibrant - colour on a range of tea towels that were under my iron.
This past weekend I was on the St. Peter's Church Tea Towel Rota. As someone commented, I had drawn the short straw as tea towels were in action on Saturday at the New Garden Workers’ Lunch and the Sarah-Jane Lewis Concert (where refreshments were served in the interval), and again on Sunday at the Harvest Lunch. But I did not mind in the least for it is an honour to be a member of the select band of ladies and gentlemen who wash the tea towels - and towels, too, in case you were wondering.
Now do not mention this in the hearing of my family, but on my return home late on Sunday afternoon, I popped the tea towels and towels into the washing machine and even dried them on the outdoor washing line - all on a Sunday! And later I ironed them too - but not the towels which are still not dry, hanging limply on the line in the garden on a grey Monday.
And all the facts mentioned in the first paragraph were revealed to me as I ironed away the twenty tea towels, now washed with Glowhite (what else!).
Happy days indeed!