The sun was shining brightly on Tuesday - the last day of October - so I set out at around ten in the morning for another foray into the City of London to visit City Gardens - or, as I like to call them, Pocket Parks. Armed with the colourful map I printed out from the website, I alighted at Chancery Lane on the Central Line. I spotted once more the Tudor building on the south side of High Holborn street, but did not take any photographs of this place for it is not a park.
I walked down Chancery Lane to find the garden of St Dunstan in the West, but on the way I noticed a very large London Plane Tree down a side alley. Not wishing to miss anything, I trotted down the alley (a posh one, I would add) to find the gate to Staple Inn and a garden not marked on my colourful map. The garden is, I believe, at the back of the High Holborn Tudor building which is called - Staple Inn.
Research back home leads me to believe I am right. I am told that the building is used as the London venue for meetings of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and is the last surviving Inn of Chancery.
It was designated a grade I listed building in 1974.
Being a private garden, I looked over the railings and took a few shots with the Nikon. Then onwards back down
Chancery Lane . . .