11 October 2017

Postman's Park

I spent the afternoon of 10th October wandering around the City of London - to my old haunts when I worked there in the 50s and 60s. These photographs were taken at the Postman’s Park in Newgate Street, hard by St. Paul's Cathedral. I have not been there for at least 50 years and it has not changed one bit. But opposite stands the Old General Post Office - with Roland Hill’s statue outside - and it is now occupied by the Bank of America. How did that happen!
I would sit in the Park some lunchtimes when I worked in the City and had cause to go to the Scout Shop opposite the Old Bailey. The Shelter along one wall is fascinating. I have shown one or two of the plaques recording acts of bravery - the shot with a number of plaques shows that these are being added even today - with the top two dating to 1917 and 2007. It was quiet this afternoon, with two gardeners cutting the grass and sucking up the leaves. It was a day for quiet thoughts and later I sat in the choir for Sung Evensong at 
St. Paul's Cathedral.