11 July 2016

My first Big Flower Show - Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

Last Christmas Graham and Danielle gave me membership of the RHS with the intention that I would visit Flower Shows. I missed Chelsea sop mu first one was Hampton Court on Sunday 10th July

I had a good day. This was my fist visit to a show like this. This sums up my feelings!

(1) I was surprised at the number of trade stands. They almost overwhelmed the show gardens.

(2) I had not appreciated that you could buy plants all week - and not just after 4pm on Sunday - when they sell off the show garden plants. Had I known this I would have gone on a weekday for Sunday was a bit crowded and some of the show gardens were gong off.

(3) Having said that I thought the show gardens were very good. I enjoyed the lavender garden and the small gardens - lots of ideas if I were designing my garden afresh! Which I am NOT!

(4) I enjoyed the Soul singers -and almost joined in the dancing except that I was tired.

(5) I found the marquee where you could buy plants. I bought a salvia - I have two HOT LIPS in the front garden so I bought a blue one and chatted to the man on the stand. I also bought two new lavenders and another plant whose name I had e forgotten! I will pot them up later.;

(6) I was amused at the boxes on wheels that were on sale. Some folk had clearly bought them in prevjous years as you could see that they were not new. They seemed a good idea - and I might invest in one another year!

(7) The journey by train from Ilford took under two hours and was not overcrowded. I had a minicab home from Ilford!