28 February 2019

Sparrows are back!

For some three or four years, sparrows have deserted 37 Spearpoint Gardens. A day or so ago I spotted a flight over the front garden and again at the back. So I bought some fat balls and filled one basket - and today the sparrows are back in force. I counted about ten at one stage.

So tomorrow I will take the bus to Romford Market and buy holders, seed and other supplies for back and front.

I took these shots with the new long lens. I must get the tripod out. Such fun!

I trust that Chris-up-the-road will not be too jealous. Sparrows deserted his garden too. I will  send some of mine up!

And whilst I am writing, you may be amused to know that I am buying Milton tablets as though were were no tomorrow. Of all the preparations that I have bought online for keeping my water feature clean, not one off them works. But Milton tablets are the answer. And they are excellent too for keeping mugs and cups fresh and clean.

23 February 2019

Spring on 23rd February 2019

Over the past three autumns some 6.000 bulbs have been planted in the grounds by members of St. Peter’s Aldborough Hatch and their friends. This weekend they burst into flower in the warm sunshine - in sharp contrast to this time last year when the ‘Beast from the East’ brought heavy snowfall and bitterly cold weather. Later this year we plan to plant yet more Spring bulbs and to extend the planting to the nearby Shrubberies in Aldborough Road North.

22 February 2019

The mystery of the disappearing pillow cases

Two Fridays ago, Daphne, my ever so helpful cleaner, made my bed - I find duvet covers almost impossible to fit and Daphne is happy enough taking on the task every two weeks.

Earlier I had removed the red bedding set, washed it and placed it out for drying and ironing (the pillow cases only - I do not iron duvet covers or bottom fitted sheets, but after drying I fold them with care).

I laid out the purple set - fitted sheet, duvet cover and two pillow cases. But Daphne called me as there were no pillow cases. But I remember laying them on top of the fitted sheet and duvet cover. But Daphne assured me that they were not there. So I found two floral pillow cases and these were duly fitted. Cream with flowers. Not me really, but the devil takes the hindmost . . .

I assumed that the two purple pillow cases must have been left on the bed and covered by the fitted sheet - although I could not feel them. Perhaps they were inside the duvet cover and all would be revealed in two weeks when I stripped the bed for washing.

Today I did just that - but no purple pillow cases were revealed. And I did look very hard. Even under the bed where storage boxes hold lots of goodies and the Christmas lights and decorations.

So where are the two purple pillow cases, I ask myself? Is there a fairy in the house who takes pillow cases? Has Socks purloined them for his safe haven upstairs - which only he can reach at present until I take on the next phase of paper clearing in the office. Have they taken a walk? Can pillow cases walk?

Your guess is as good as mine, but Daphne assures me that they will turn up one day. Meantime, I can feel a visit to Dunelm Mill coming on to replace the two purple pillow cases, for I am unsure if I could take another two weeks with florals! The red and purple sets were purchased when Heather took me to Dunelm shortly after Yvonne passed away as it was considered that the cream and white bedding was a bit too feminine for me.

Any ideas would be much appreciated - or Dunelm Mill here I come!

15 February 2019


Brilliant sunshine on Friday 15th February as crocus and winter aconites burst into flower in my front garden. And some passersby stop to have a look, whilst others are too busy on their mobiles!

11 February 2019


I had a strange experience today. A gentleman, who I have known for some years gave me - uninvited, I would add - his views on BREXIT. He hails from Eastern Europe and is happily married with children born in this country. I have always got on very well with him.

He started by asking how I voted in referendum and I told him I want to remain. Speaking in a strong accent so that I had difficulty in understanding all he was saying, he told me that BREXIT is a MUST and that within two years we will be more prosperous than ever before. I found it especially strange when he told me that immigrants from anywhere should be kept out for evermore! Our borders should be shut and not opened again. Ever!

I came home a little stunned . . .

1 February 2019


I have reached the point where I can no longer keep quiet. I am proud to be British. I am proud to be a European. I voted Remain because I have lived for some 85 years in my country of birth, where the green fields have not seen a war or a battle for decades. I lived through World War II and I would not wish those years on anyone - family, friends and those I am never ever likely to meet.

I have wonderful neighbours in a multi-cultural community. My recent hospital experience would not have been possible without NHS staff from all around the globe. Over the years the Boris types have told lies about the EU which newspapers bandied about as true. Sadly, too many folk read the gutter press and believe every word in print.

l have subscribed to THE NEW EUROPEAN since the first issue - and have some of the early copies in a filing cabinet behind me as I write. Today's front cover - reproduced here - says it all.

Some of my friends who read this will disagree with me. That is their right. I remain a firm European. I did not believe the falsehoods and plain lies that the Leave campaign put about.

I pray that BREXIT (what a horrible word!) will not take place. I also pray that Boris, Rees, David and all the other characters who have lined their pockets at the expense of the public and could not care less if we starve - will go away and leave us alone, chomping on their ill-begotten gains. They belong in the Victorian era of Dickens et al.

I fear for a future led by the BREXITEERS. I pray for the good of our wonderful country and its people.