18 February 2016

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Campaign gains momentum!

The pressure is on with the ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Campaign against further sand and gravel extraction in Aldborough Hatch - within a few metres of the 153 year old St. Peter's Church, built without proper foundations.
Today’s ILFORD RECORDER carries two letters regarding the sand and gravel exhibition – see here! Well done Nicholas and the Lady – I know who you are and we are very grateful.
Also the EDITOR’S COMMENTS on the same page equate our campaign with two others in the Borough – the mobility card and the Kenneth More Theatre – with the Editor describing me (forgive my blushes!) as ‘indefatigable’. I had to look that word up in the dictionary to discover that the definition is “a person that cannot be tired out, unremitting’. Unsure if I ‘cannot be tired out’ for I am fairly weary with Brett Tarmac at present.
Please make sure you attend the Exhibition to demonstrate to Brett Tarmac that we mean business – and will not go away. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!