5 March 2018

I will take my mobile into the shower from now onwards!

I would guess that there are very few folk who take their mobile phone with them when they take a shower - but I will be doing so from now onwards! Not into the shower cabinet completely, of course, for that would be stupid - getting the mobile soaked in water would be asking for trouble. Instead I will leave the mobile outside the cubicle, but tied to a length of string so that should I need to make a call, all I would have to do is pull on the string and the mobile would come roaring into the cubicle. I could then sit on the seat - for I have a seat, in case you are wondering - and make a call.

Why, I hear you ask, is this necessary? Well, last evening I decided to take a shower. On entering the cubicle I slid the door to close it when it jammed shut! Looking up, I noticed that one of the two top rollers had broken - with half still in place and the other half on the floor outside.

I tried to open the door by sliding it - but it would not budge. It was at that moment when realised that I could be stuck in the shower all night as I live alone - just with Socks, who was having a good sleep after his supper and could not care less about me. No-one would know - until Heather made her usual telephone call on her way to work just after 7am in the morning.

I kept calm - honest! Taking careful stock of the situation, I realised there was no way I could climb over the top of the shower cubicle. So I decided to attempt to ease the door back to open. At first it would not move, so I tried to lift the door by sliding my hands in at the sides - and that worked! Taking my time and not panicking, I pushed and pulled the door to give me a gap of about six inches or so through which I could squeeze. Being slim off stature pays.

I rang Tom the Plumber today. He happened to be working nearby and was here within five minutes of my call. Expecting that he might have to order the rollers, Tom said he would contact me when their arrived - but he was back within the hour with two sets - and as I write he is fitting them now. What would I do without Tom and his son Ian? They have saved me a number of times this winter - from an airlock, a cold water tank that needed some work in the loft, from a near frozen boiler outlet. Phew!