6 June 2018

New feature in the garden

At the end of last year, I retired after some 20 years as Chairman of the Aldborough Hatch Defence Association, handing over to Jenny Chalmers as Chairman and Chris Gannaway as Vice-Chairman - and both are doing a terrific job for the residents of the Hatch. I now look after the PR side of things.

My friends and colleagues gave me a very generous cheque and I have spent part of it with the installation of a solar bird bath and fountain . Chris came down to hep me fit it up. The water is a bit white as I have used some of the protective powder but Chris says it will clear in a day or so - and it is wildlife friendly.

I am waiting for Ken to sort out the electrics by the pond and then for Marlon to help me clear the pond, when I will then use the remainder of the money to buy a new pump for the pond.

The garden is coming along now - George is here next week to do some cutting back and Heather has said she will hep me spring clean the summerhouse (shed-with-the-overhang) - but I have decided that some cobwebs add character, although I have two new washable mats to add a bit of cleanliness.

With luck all will be ready for the Garden Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy Sale on Saturday 28th July next - in aid of The Children's Society. (Please note the date - 10am to 12noon and the Mayor of Redbridge is attending!)

Meantime, viewings can be arranged by appointment - provided I am not too busy making Christmas cards for sale at the Flower Festival.