28 February 2019

Sparrows are back!

For some three or four years, sparrows have deserted 37 Spearpoint Gardens. A day or so ago I spotted a flight over the front garden and again at the back. So I bought some fat balls and filled one basket - and today the sparrows are back in force. I counted about ten at one stage.

So tomorrow I will take the bus to Romford Market and buy holders, seed and other supplies for back and front.

I took these shots with the new long lens. I must get the tripod out. Such fun!

I trust that Chris-up-the-road will not be too jealous. Sparrows deserted his garden too. I will  send some of mine up!

And whilst I am writing, you may be amused to know that I am buying Milton tablets as though were were no tomorrow. Of all the preparations that I have bought online for keeping my water feature clean, not one off them works. But Milton tablets are the answer. And they are excellent too for keeping mugs and cups fresh and clean.