27 September 2016

Ready for Christmas!

I have spent a happy morning giving the porch at 37 its Autumn clean in readiness for Christmas. This task is done twice a year. Sometimes in between too! The pink in the main shot is from a pair of trainers in next door’s porch! They have a shoe rack. I have plants. The conkers were collected last weekend in the churchyard. Sadly, there is no-one who wants to play with me these days so I just put them there to enjoy. The plants in the foreground came from one pot bought in the summer at B & Q. I divided the first pot into two and today made six in all! Snd I have little shoots from the runners to pot up in  the greenhouse! The African Violets suffered in the heat - so I have doctored them. One is in the bathroom and the other two are on the far right - in the shade.  I thought you would like to now this!

Why Christmas you may ask? Good question Batman! Well, there has to be space for the lights and foliage for them to rest upon.

Whilst I am talking about Christmas, you may (or may not) be amused to know that I have ordered two Christmas present from the Kleeneze Man and one from Bakker. Good idea to get ahead, I say. Must print out my list and annotate with the purchases - must not forget what is for who!

Now of to the greenhouse. Heather met me at B & Q last evening and helped me bring home potting compost which I will now trundfle down the garden in the bucket barrow (bought in Homebase and invaluable in the garden when you need to move compost!).