30 June 2017

Priest-in-Charge of 155-year-old Church banned from defending the Grade II Listed Building as gravel extractions come within 100 metres

Priest-in-Charge of 155-year-old Church banned from defending the Grade II Listed Building as gravel extractions come within 100 metres

The Revd Kate Lovesey, Priest-in-Charge, St. Peter’s Aldborough Hatch in the Diocese of Chelmsford, was banned from addressing the Lond0n Borough of Redbridge Planning Committee on the dangers to her church from gravel extraction amidst uproar in the public gallery when church members and residents tried to persuade the chairman to allow her to speak.

Gravel extraction has taken place on Fairlop Plain over the past 50 years. When workings moved closer to St. Peter’s, the water table changed, allowing the headstones on many graves in the churchyard to topple over. Worse still was the fact that some 20 years ago the walls of the church began to move outwards and had to be secured by metal tie bars across the roof area.

Said the Revd Lovesey: “Built in 1862 with bricks with a facing using stones from the first Westminster Bridge, the church is fragile with no foundations, as was the custom in Victorian times, nor an effective damp course.

“The Parochial Church Council submitted its written objections but I was not allowed to explain the very real danger to the structure as the workings will be within 100 metres and a water filled ditch with pumps going 24/7 will be even closer within a few yards.

“There was uproar in the public gallery when the chairman allowed only two objectors to speak. Church members and residents were appalled at the lack of democracy demonstrated by Councillors who were urged by Council Officers to deny me the chance to speak.

“In addition to concerns for the building, clinical and research evidence presented by an NHS cancer consultant was omitted from papers before the committee. This was a deliberate cover-up to mislead Councillors who were not advised that the inevitable dust from the workings will increase mortality from cardiovascular disease and lung cancer.

“I feel ashamed of Redbridge Council. But we will monitor the building and if there is the slightest hint of damage, we will insist that the Council and the contractors pay for any work that needs to be done. We will protect this building – loved not only by members of the church but by so many residents in our multi-cultural community.”

Revd. Kate Lovesey
Aldborough Hatch Vicarage, Oaks Lane, Ilford, Essex IG2 7QN
Telephone: 020 8599 5413 Email: RevdKate@StPetersAH.org.uk