30 June 2017

Thursday 29th June 2017 when addressing Redbridge Council's Planning Committee

The following is the text I used on Thursday 29th June 2017 when addressing Redbridge Council's Planning Committee in my two minute slot. I then took questions for about ten minutes - although I cannot recall what they were! The planning application was approved - clearly it was a done deal before we even started! But we are not done yet!
The application was by Brett Tarmac to extract sand and gravel from an area close to St. Peter's Church on Aldborough Hatch Farm and also on Hainault Farm close to the farmhouse and cottages. 
Chairman I speak for the Aldborough Hatch Defence Association - and the 140 or so residents whose objections are reduced to meaningless summaries in the papers before you. There is anger, despair and horror among residents - who fear further years of noise, dust, pollution and the spread of cancer.
Why has the Environment Agency’s strong recommendation that the haul road is constructed of concrete or asphalt been ignored? A dirt road will throw up dust onto riders at the Equestrian Centre and walkers. Why is there no controlled crossing of the permissive footpath used by school children?
Why have objections of two highly qualified NHS cancer specialists been totally ignored? 
In their objections dated 7th June 2016, Dr Anup Vinayan and Dr Archana Ambily state that: “Health Hazards associated with increase in particulate matter is well documented with the World Health Organisation detailing the risks of PM10 and PM25 resulting in aggravation of asthma, respiratory symptoms and increase in hospital admissions. There will also be increase in mortality from cardiovascular disease and lung cancer”. Dr Vinayan is here this evening 
The 76-page document before you omits to mention the word ‘cancer – referring just to ‘health risks’ - and fails to rebut the substantial research evidence of 14 recent studies over eight European countries which demonstrate that risks are significantly associated with the incidence of lung cancer. 
We can only assume that this omission is an intentional and deliberate cover-up to mislead Councillors on the Planning Committee and as such is shameful in the extreme and must be exposed. 
The objections on health grounds are nowhere mentioned, nor is the evidence submitted rebutted. I call upon the Planning Committee to refuse the planning application as Officers have failed to take into account the overwhelming evidence of the dangers of an increase in lung cancer and other respiratory diseases among both children and adults.
I understand that the Revd Lovesey is not being permitted to address you regarding the almost certain damage to the 155-year-old St. Peter’s Church. I appeal to you to allow her to speak.
The ‘stand-off’ of 100 metres from the Grade II listed St Peter’s and Aldborough Hatch Chapel is totally unacceptable. I have proof from the Planning Department for a precedent for 150 metres if you wish to see it. We urge you to insist on 200 metres minimum. If the church is damaged who will pay – not Brett Tarmac but your Council.
Noisy pumps vibrating 24/7 within yards of St Peter’s Church – will disturb services and multi-cultural community groups using the halls.
We appeal to you – do the decent thing and reject this application
Chairman, Aldborough Hatch has cried out: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
No more gravel! No more cancer!