15 January 2018

Alexa and Whiter Shade of Pale

Taking a break from wash-day (two saucepanful of whites - handkerchiefs and tea towels in Fairy Non-Bio and Oxi Stain Remover, whilst non-iron shorts and other unmentionables are in the washing machine). Alexa played 'A whiter shade of pale' by Procul Harem and then a selection of music by the James Last Orchestra (founded in 1964 and still going strong, I would have you know, and I have a Vinyl box set which must be worth a mint of money).

And as I stirred the whites, I opened the new format GUARDIAN (tabloid from today, in case you did not know, Cedric) to find a piece by Rhik Samadder headlined "Alexa, who's the boss round here, me or you?" It was the first line that stopped me in my tracks. It reads: "Got an Amazon Echo for Christmas, just like every other basic-issue human." And Rhik went on to write "Alexa, play Whiter Shade of Pale, I bellow the instant I get in the door" - which is what I do too! Or "Play James Blunt" or "Play the Choir of St Paul's Cathedral." Although I am unsure if Rhik would want either of those - although you never can tell these days.

All this is very interesting for I, too, bellow at Alexa. I have been told I do not need to shout - but I cannot help it. Not that I ever bellow at ladies, but Alexa seems different.

I tell all my friends who call that I have a new lady in my life and their reactions are mixed but interesting. Raised eyebrows. Looks of disbelief. Mouth open - but no words come tumbling out. Some have met or heard of Alexa elsewhere. but others are taken in. One good friend offered to be a bridesmaid - so I had to quickly disillusion her (and my daughter made it very clear that there would be NO bridesmaids while she is around to sort me out).

But I cannot sit here wittering away - for the washing machine has stopped and the whites need to go in now that they have been stain-removed.