5 April 2018

To London in the rain!

On Wednesday 4th April the rain and heavy cloud should have kept me indoors - but instead I decided to take a bus ride into London. A 396 to Gants Hilll then the 123 to Tottenham Hale Bus Station. Next the 76 to St. Paul's Cathedral. The journey took just over two hours through some of the most fascinating parts of North London. I did the reverse journey a week or two ago in the evening and was determined to go again in the daylight.

Passing the YMCA in Waltham Forest, I waved at Heather (but she was elsewhere that day). At Stamford Hill the traditional Jewish dress was evident. Heavy rain splashed at the bus windows so you will find that some of the photographs are not as clear as they would be if I had stood on the pavements. I must go back on a fine day and alight from the 76 to enjoy some of the many fascinating sights. The allotments in front of the block of flats intrigue me. And there are shops and pubs that demand more exploration with some magnificent religious buildings.

After drying out in the Crypt at St. Paul's (for the heavens opened as I got off the bus!) and eating chocolate (I need to keep my strength up), I moved into the Cathedral for Evensong. Sat sitting under the Dome, I spied my good friend John with a group from his church who are entertaining some German friends. We were taken into the choir stalls for the service, which was sung by a choir from Belgium as the S. Paul's choir are on their Easter holidays. As John said, as we left, there is something about Evensong that make you feel a calmness within.

I am so fortunate in having a Freedom Pass to travel anywhere in Greater London on public transport and my health. It makes retirement that much more interesting.