18 January 2017

My Onesie day!

There are days in this life when we need to have a good laugh - and today is one of those days.

On Saturday last I spotted a brand new Onesie at the St. Peter’s Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy Sale. It was in its pack - Dunelm no less - and the colour of which Yvonne would approve. Reduced from £14.99 to a fiver. I could not resist! As I am spending the day indoors revising and updating my book 'Aldborough Hatch - The Village in the Suburbs - A History' - ready for a reprint, I have decided to remain in my jim-jams and don my Onesie over the top. And very cosy it is too, I will have you know! We old people need to keep warm - and this Onesie seems to be the answer when you are sitting at the iMac waiting for the muse to move you (for I am writing some extra pages for the book on sand and gravel and orchards!) This self-portrait with my iPhone just shows the top bit - you will have to wait for someone to call to take a full length shot (although I am having self-doubts about the advisability of a second photograph!). 
Laugh! Go on! Tell me you have done so!