27 March 2017

We may have electric light today

Ken the Electrician is here today with Rob. The lighting could go on stream later today - indeed I can feel the drilling under my feet as I sit in my office and a new light fitting is being put in place in the lounge! And the decorating is going ahead in earnest. Soon the place will be back to tidy again - as Yvonne would expect it to be, of course. New light fittings to go up in the hall and dining room. 
I may start to sort out my bedroom - by cleaning the windows on the inside. Dust just gets everywhere when a compete rewiring of the house has to be done. All power points have to be 15 inches above the floor - for flood risk, which I can understand downstairs (although remote) but upstairs! The Thames Barrier has gone up a few times in recent years but the chances of my bedroom being invaded by flood water are about as remote and me climbing Everest