11 April 2017

It is finished!

As some of you will know, I have had to have the complete house rewired - lighting and power - with all new wall sockets 15” above the floor (something to do with floods and wheelchairs). I have a light in the back garden in case I go out there at night in the dark - which I never do. And Ruth-over-the-Road is now happy that there is a light in the porch again so that she can see my plants. And I have switches within reach so no more crawling on hands and knees to bring some of the lights into action. Ad you should see the fuse box! I reckon it could control all the lighting in Aldborough Hatch!

It has been a nightmare but it ended last evening when the last bit of redecorating was done and dusted. Cleaning and polishing has been going on room by room - but I ran out of furniture polish yesterday and had to dash into Ilford to buy supplies. Yellow dusters have been washed - separate from anything else (I learned that lesson!). And Rob discovered that the gas stove has a battery which (when replaced) allows me to light the gases without matches. Something I guess Yvonne knew but I did not!

The garden is a bit behind as a result so there will be no tours there for a few weeks! My daughter and son-in-law have been just great support - without then I might have gone stark raving mad! And my son in Norway has been thoughtful and kind on the telephone, whilst the son in Dorset looked after me for a dust-free weekend recently! My cleaner is coming in today and will put in some extra hours as she has not been here for two weeks!

I feel so relieved that the stress has gone and Socks is happy again now that there are no floor boards up and dangling wires!