22 April 2017

Saturday afternoon

I went to Stratford Westfield this afternoon. It is not a thing I do often - especially on a Saturday afternoon in the football season. It was only as I started to take the escalator to the shopping centre from the railway station that it struck me why there were so many people. 
I would not say it was scary, but I was pleased to find myself in M & S menswear. Here I was able to wander about without fear of being stampeded in the rush. I looked out for Karen and Josh and Linda and Linda - but they were nowhere to be seen. One lady with a buggy nearly took me out and only grinned when I yelled! But the lady was bigger than me so I did not say anything.
I only go shopping when I have something specific to buy. This time it was a summer lightweight shower-proof jacket. I had one such for many years - but lost it last summer. How I managed to lose a jacket beats me, but I did! The choice was overpowering but in the end I went for one that did not have tight cuffs. If there is one thing I cannot stand it is tight cuffs - and I am sure you will understand what I mean, Cedric!
Whilst there I fell for a non-iron shirt. This one is a pale blue and yellow check. I resisted the temptation to buy a tie to go with it as I have a bright yellow tie in my drawer with a few others.
This extravagance will have to stop. It will be bread and pull-it for a few days. Good thing that Socks is stocked up with plenty of food for he would not take kindly to going own a diet.