1 August 2017

I need a shower!

It is around 11.30am and I have come indoors too take a shower! This morning I have drafted the September BROADSHEET, winged off a few emails and spent a happy time in the back garden - teak oiling the two benches and table, whilst sweeping up leaves and dropped petals. I managed to spill the bottle of teak oil onto the canvas sheet - but it was almost at the end of the bottle so not much was lost and I used this up on the bench. Then I spilt the teak oil onto my garden slippers, foot and sock - hence the need for a shower for I reek of teak oil!
Here are one or two shots - the foxglove is in flower, grown from seed kept from last year. The Big Mamma Cala Lily was a gift from Graham and Danielle - bought in Amsterdam last spring, dried over winter and now in full flower. And the yellow salvia is an addition this summer - with cuttings coming along in the greenhouse. Off to the shower! The vacuuming of the shed-with-the-overhang can wait till another day, and so can the power washing of the patio in front of said shed! I pray for fine weather on Saturday for the Garden Coffee Morning.
The Lady from Redbridge in Bloom came this morning to judge my front garden. Lots of photographs were taken - including one of the sign which hangs near the fence reading: 'Weeds are but wild flowers in the wrong place'. In the basket on the fence is a talk weed - but it is so strong and proud with flower buds about to burst that I could not bring myself to cull it! The Lady thought this amusing - and took a photograph of the sign and weed! I have no expectation of winning but have just enjoyed taking part.