27 November 2017

Self-righteous on a Monday morning

Sorry about this but I feel very, very self-righteous this Monday morning. I have one load of washing in the machine doing very nicely, now that you ask. And - but this is the killer - I have just boiled a saucepan-full of handkerchiefs in Fairy Non Bio and Wilko Stain Remover. Mostly whites but I put one or two M & S coloureds in too as an experiment. As I stirred (to ensure that the thing did not boil over as happened the first time!) I noted that the whites were getting whiter and the coloureds seemed to stay the same - so no running of colour - to my intense relief. Soon they will go into the washing machine too. Unsure about outdoor drying today - have to wait for the mistiness to clear. 
Have a good week! And may all your handkerchiefs be as white as newly fallen snow and your tea towels ironed to perfection.