3 February 2017


This shot was taken in my front garden earlier this week. I had to lie in my stomach in the damp to get the shot for we photo-journalists will go to any lengths to get the picture and the story! It was worth doing because it is published in this week's ILFORD RECORDER.! And you cannot get much better than that.
For the horticulturists among you, I bought the snowdrop bulb “in the green” on the advice of Pat in March 2014. This is the best way to buy these bulbs for they multiply each year - I had one bloom the first year, two last year and three this year (the one at the back is just coming out). I cannot wait for next year to see how many blooms I get! 
It was supplied by Avon Bulbs of Somerset and is, in fact, Galanthus ‘Ailwyn’, described by Avon as “possibly the very best hybrid double, with a perfect rosette, like a green and white precious stone . . . to treasure”. Furthermore, it was found first by Richard Nutt at Anglesey Abbey in 1994 and named after Lord Fairhaven. So there you have it! 
And, yes, I will be making Notelets and Easter Cards with this picture - all for sale with the profits to St. Peter’s Aldborough Hatch, so thank you for asking (and I already have an order for Notelets from a Lady-up-the-Road from here!).