10 January 2016

Kind folk

It is good to have some feedback about this Blog. Encouraging.
Paul writes: "And a very good blog it is too! Congratulations (but I still miss 'Here & There' being read out loud on a Monday morning...)." This being a reference to the fact that as Editor of SCOUTING magazine in the 1970s, I wrote my editorial column largely at home over the weekend and on Monday mornings was bursting to read it to my staff who were agog in anticipation (although some of them were just agog!). Staff meetings took place every Monday at 9am sharp - and anyone who dared to be late would be 'tried' and 'sentenced' forthwith, if not sooner. Hangings were not unusual, generally taking place from a usefully sited beam in the design studio, but there were no deaths.
Tim writes: "Congratulations on the launch of your new Blog. I have enjoyed reading it." Clearly a glutton for punishment, he read two of my books over Christmas!
Arthur, ever the gentleman and kindly with it, wrote: "You improve as the days roll on and must find great joy in adding to your new interest. Photographs are delightful and well taken - splendid."
How kind friends are.