20 January 2016

On a cold and frosty morning

I felt for my neighbour this freezing cold morning as I watched her shortly after seven scraping the frost from her car windows – and then I thought, hang on! At least my good neighbour will be traveling in her warm car, whereas when I was a lot, lot younger I used to walk to Newbury Park Station, stand in the freezing cold on the platform until a train came in and then shiver on a tube train that always stopped for long periods at stations that were in the open air with the wind whistling through the doors that remained open for ages and ages and ages! In those days men did not wear woolly hats, but we had a full head of hair to keep us warm. Having lost my black Balaclava Helmet (which made me look like a terrorist), I have now invested in a fur-lined version with a clip under the chin to hold it in place. 

So, whilst I guess my neighbour was no doubt very cold clearing the frost, at least there was a warm journey ahead.

Richard, my youngest, tells me that it is minus 16 outside Oslo in Norway with a foot or more of snow. It fell to minus 4 when I was there for Christmas. I guess it is just as well I am not there now!