15 July 2017

'As long as there are plans, there's life'.

I have finished a book this evening. I often have three or four books on the go at the same time - choosing which one to continue reading as the mood takes me. I bought 'The Secret Diary of Hendrik Green eighty-three-and-a-quarter-years-old' at Waterstones or was it Foyles about two months ago. It is a dairy written by Hendrik who lives in a care home outside Amsterdam. It is both amusing and sad, and in some ways a delightful read. He and seven others belong to the 'Old-but-not-dead-club' whose members arrange a day out every month, taking in turns to make the arrangements and keeping the details secret until the day. The book has been translated into thirty languages.

The last pages of the book carry this comment that 'as long as there are plans, there's life'. That rings so very true for me. I have to have plans as to what I am to be doing over the next few days or even weeks. I believe I annoy some people because I want to be clear just how they fit into my plans when the last thing they want to do is plan anything beyond the next few hours! But without a goal to aim for life would be dull, would it not?