14 July 2017

Borough Market

To Borough Market to meet Michael for lunch. The two of us gathered first in the Cafe at Southwark Cathedral for coffee then we walked through the Market to the Market Porter - seen here with a glorious display of hanging baskets. We had lunch behind the widow on the far right - Shepherd's Pie with Green Vegetables and a glass or three of a delicious white wine followed by coffee. We reminisced about our times in Scouting, recalling many things that are best unwritten and some that are recorded for posterity. Happy days and good to meet up again. I bought strawberries from Chegworth Valley Farm's stall - freshly picked I was assured. They are in the fridge ready for Sunday lunch with Heather, Rob, Luke and Marlon. I must remember to take the chocolate Brazils I bought at Romford Market on Wednesday - these are in the fridge too! Heather likes these as did her Mum who bought them from the same stall over many years with Luke and Marlon in tow - and the lady always asks after the boys even today and cannot believe that they are grown up!