3 July 2017

The farce that is Redbridge Council!

I have circulated the following today and though my BLOG readers might like to have a chuckle!

Aldborough Hatch Defence Association

To: Members of the Association and interested residents

On Thursday 29th June 2017, the planning Committee of the London Borough of Redbridge approved by six votes to five Planning Application 2089/16 to extract sand and gravel from Areas E and F – Aldborough Hatch Farm (land bordering Aldborough Road North, St. Peter’s Church and Close, Oaks Lane, the Central Line and Fairlop Waters) and Hainault Farm.

The workings will come within 100 metres of the 155-year-old highly fragile Grade II Listed St. Peter’s Church and Aldborough Hatch Chapel, and closer to residential homes in Oaks Lane, St. Peter’s Close, and Aldborough Road North, including the farmhouse and cottages at Hainault Farm. There can be little doubt that the water table will change yet again, threatening structures in the area.

Some 50 or so members and residents attended the Committee. Those unable to gain entry to the public gallery in Ilford Town Hall were placed in a room elsewhere in the Town Hall with totally inadequate facilities to relay the debate in the Council Chamber. Those in the public gallery were little better off for the acoustics were such that the mumbled presentation and answers to questions by Council Officers were often totally inaudible. Questions from Councillors fared little better. We would strongly recommend that LBR needs to update its sound system in the chamber as a matter of urgency and instigate a training regime for both Officers and Councillors on how to use a microphone and project their voices to be heard by Council Tax paying residents who bother to attend their meetings.

The agenda placed application 2089/16 first, with a dozen or so other applications to follow (those involved with the other applications waited patiently for some two hours – and even joined in our protests!). It should have been recognised by whoever planned the agenda that an application to which over 140 residents had objected needed to be given sufficient time to allow at least a reasonable number of objectors to address the Committee and for Councillors to debate and consider with care the application before them. However, the Chairman declared ruthlessly that time was pressing and debate would be curtailed, whilst only three speakers would be permitted in accordance with standing orders – one of who was the applicant, Brett Tarmac. The Chairman of the AHDA and the Proprietor of the Busy Bodies Pre-School Day Nursery were given two minutes to speak and both were asked questions by Councillors.

When the Revd Kate Lovesey, Priest-in-Charge, St. Peter’s Aldborough Hatch, was refused permission to speak, members and residents in the public gallery called upon the Chairman to allow her to do so. Some members noted that the Chairman kept looking impatiently at his watch and was heard to comment that time was running out and that he might go outside for a cup of tea! Those in the gallery chanted “Let the Vicar speak” for a full minute, but the Chairman would not budge as he engaged in whispered conversation with the two Officers flanking him. Interestingly, the security staff did not emerge from the tunnel for some time after the chanting started and when they did so they just stood there!

Six or so of the eleven Councillors asked questions. Some had very obviously read the 76-page document, asking pertinent and intelligent questions; others asked questions which made clear that they had not a clue as to what they were talking about (despite the fact that a site visit was said to have been paid the previous Saturday – although we do not know how many Councillors attended). Other Councillors sat in stony silence and might just as well have stayed at home or gone to play bingo!

The Chairman was flanked on both sides by Council Officers who were constantly whispering in his ear which gave the impression to those in the public gallery that the Chairman was being manipulated by Officers.

Ron Jeffries majored on the health issues, especially the danger of increased mortality from cancer. He drew the attention of the Committee to the evidence of two highly qualified cancer specialists Dr Anup Vinayan and Dr Archana Ambily in their objections dated June 2016 published on the Planning Application and, therefore a public document. Dr Vinayan was in the public gallery and was prepared to answer questions from Councillors but no-one took advantage of this offer. Indeed, Councillors were advised by Officers that health issues – such as the increased mortality from cancer – are not grounds for refusing the planning application. If this is so – and it must be seriously questioned as to whether or not it is correct – something is seriously wrong with planning legislation that allows a project to go forward that is potentially harmful to the health, safety and well-being of residents and children.  

Two Ward Councillors, Debbie Kaur-Thiera and John Howard, made impassioned speeches calling on the Committee to reject the application. Wes Streeting MP and Ward Councillor, was unable to attend due to a Three Line Whip on the Queen’s Speech, but he sent a letter to the Chairman which I have seen, but which the Chairman failed to acknowledge or bother to read out. Par for the course, I guess.

Brett Tarmac’s representative commented that a Liaison Group will be set up to include residents, chaired by a Councillor. No remit was disclosed. I would object to the group being chaired by a Councillor as LBR has a vested financial interest. An independent chairman is vital for the group’s credibility.

Those who attended the Planning Committee were saddened by what was a farce of local democracy.  Councillors voted on party lines on what was clearly a done deal.

This is a brief summary and I apologise for that. I would be happy to answer questions. An informal gathering of the AHDA Executive, together with the Revd Kate Lovesey (St. Peter’s), Mary Garrett (Aldborough Hall Equestrian Centre) and Gerald Padfield (Hainault Farm) will be held on Friday 7th July to consider future action.

Ron Jeffries
37 Spearpoint Gardens
Aldborough Road North
Aldborough Hatch

TEL:020 8599 7250
Mobile: 0797 488 2724
Email: ronjeffries@live.co.uk

TEXT: Ron Jeffries

Chairman I speak for the Aldborough Hatch Defence Association - and the 140 or so residents whose objections are reduced to meaningless summaries in the papers before you. There is anger, despair and horror among residents - who fear further years of noise, dust, pollution and the spread of cancer.

Why has the Environment Agency’s strong recommendation that the haul road is constructed of concrete or asphalt been ignored? A dirt road will throw up dust onto riders at the Equestrian Centre and walkers. Why is there no controlled crossing of the permissive footpath used by school children?

Why have objections of two highly qualified NHS cancer specialists been totally ignored?

In their objections dated 7th June 2016, Dr Anup Vinayan and Dr Archana Ambily state that: “Health Hazards associated with increase in particulate matter is well documented with the World Health Organisation detailing the risks of PM10 and PM25 resulting in aggravation of asthma, respiratory symptoms and increase in hospital admissions. There will also be increase in mortality from cardiovascular disease and lung cancer”. Dr Vinayan is here this evening

The 76-page document before you omits to mention the word ‘cancer – referring just to ‘health risks’ - and fails to rebut the substantial research evidence of 14 recent studies over eight European countries which demonstrate that risks are significantly associated with the incidence of lung cancer.

We can only assume that this omission is an intentional and deliberate cover-up to mislead Councillors on the Planning Committee and as such is shameful in the extreme and must be exposed.  

The objections on health grounds are nowhere mentioned, nor is the evidence submitted rebutted. I call upon the Planning Committee to refuse the planning application as Officers have failed to take into account the overwhelming evidence of the dangers of an increase in lung cancer and other respiratory diseases among both children and adults.

I understand that the Revd Lovesey is not being permitted to address you regarding the almost certain damage to the 155-year-old St. Peter’s Church. I appeal to you to allow her to speak.
The ‘stand-off’ of 100 metres from the Grade II listed St Peter’s and Aldborough Hatch Chapel is totally unacceptable. I have proof from the Planning Department for a precedent for 150 metres if you wish to see it. We urge you to insist on 200 metres minimum. If the church is damaged who will pay – not Brett Tarmac but your Council.

Noisy pumps vibrating 24/7 within yards of St Peter’s Church – will disturb services and multi-cultural community groups using the halls.

We appeal to you – do the decent thing and reject this application

Chairman, Aldborough Hatch has cried out: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

No more gravel! No more cancer!