12 July 2017

Tree down!

First, let me congratulate Redbridge Council. At about 8.30am today a resident telephoned the Council to advise that a cherry plum tree had blown down blocking the pavement in Spearpoint Gardens. Within an hour contractors arrived to start removing the tree - see photographs here. The two house owners into whose gardens the tree collapsed were very grateful. Excellent service - many thanks.
This occurred in the Shrubberies in Spearpoint Gardens, Aldborough Road North, outside numbers 45/46 (post code IG2 7SX). The tree outside 48 - seen in the fourth photograph - is the next one to come down by the look of things!
The problem is simple. These are cherry plum trees which have fruited extremely well this summer. Indeed I picked a bag full this morning from the fallen tree for jam making by the local church ladies and gents! But they make the tree very very top heavy - hence the fallen tree for the roots - as you will see - do not go down deep.
What is needed - URGENTLY please - is a survey of the trees and remedial action taken at the right time of the year.
I was unsure who to send this to so the Ward Councillors and the Leader are the recipients. I asked them top PLEASE PASS URGENTLY to the appropriate official. There are other trees on the main footway which could come down any day now - and fall on passers by including children on their way to the William Torbitt School. They need topping out, I would suggest - but let me now then you are coming and will get a gang out to pick the fruit!