21 December 2018

All of a quiver!

Jenefer, a friend from St. Peter’s, and I went last evening to Westminster Cathedral’s Celebration of Christmas - my friend Paul is MC to the Cardinal and let us have tickets near the front. 
We arrived early and spotted M &S in the Mall opposite the Cathedral. I bought two non-iron shirts (I am not good at ironing shirts!) and as we approached the exit it I saw Yvette Cooper MP browsing among the ladies blouses. 
I went up to Yvette and shook her hand, first asking after Ed and then mentioning that Wes Streeting is my MP. Now I can honestly say that at the mention of his name, Yvette’s eyes lit up even more brightly (and they were bright enough already, I can tell you). Yvette was glowing in praise. We parted wishing each other a good Christmas. 
I then came over all of a quiver, having met Yvette, who sits near Wes in the Commons and speaks with such passion and conviction. I would happily follow Yvette on any protest march!
I would add that Jenefer suggested we sit down to allow me to recover my composure. It took some time, I can tell you.