5 December 2018

Christmas is on the way!

Christmas is on its way here in wintry Aldborough Hatch. Having dressed the porch over the past couple of days, I made a start on the front garden this afternoon - in the rain! Interestingly, as the parents and children from the William Torbitt Primary School walked past, some stopped to look - and wave. Others looked steadfastly ahead or at their mobiles - and missed everything. I might invite Alexa to sing a few carols one evening to see what response that gets.

Brass cleaning is making progress. A new tube of MASS arrived yesterday from Lakeland - I cannot buy this in the shop but order it online. This is a great improvement on Brasso - which only lasted a month or so - MASS lasts for six months so I only have to clean twice a year. I have prpobab;y done one third so far - I do an hour or two each day as the ams get tired with the polishing. Honest!

Today I washed the Waterford glass - putting the crib scene back after it was on display at the church at the Christmas Market. This is a task I actually enjoy for each piece has a memory. I bought a piece each Christmas for Yvonne over some years. Una bought the crib set. Each piece is treasured, not for its value (although I would guess this has increased since most was purchased in the 1970s and 1980s, some during visits to Ireland as Editor of SCOUTING) but for the memories.